By Summer Crawford
Staff Writer
The physician tells you with his deepest regrets that at your old age, and in your poor physical condition, things are not looking good. Weak bones, decaying muscle tissue, poor overall physical health.
Unfortunately, these conditions are symptoms to a large number of American adults who are not in shape.
From getting out of that cozy bed in the morning to leaving at the end of a tiring day of work, adults should be able to find time to exercise, even if it is just walking around the block a few times. Even students in high school need to be involved in some type of regular physical activity after they complete the mandatory year of Physical Education or Athletics.
Those students who not only challenge their brain in academics, but also their bodies when it comes to working out are the ones who will live healthy lifestyles as adults when the chaos of work cuts in on daily life.
Based on my experiences, and my family genetics I have seen how people who never made time for their exercise, veer onto a path where their body will eventually not function. Coming from a family with a history of health problems like diabetes and heart disease, I am worried about how healthy my heart will be when I am 70. So many people do not take working out seriously enough, but they need to start thinking about their future health.
So, I propose a solution.
People need to begin tracking their physical exercise, whether that be walking or running, every day. One great way to do this is by wearing small devices called Fitbits, which are devices that clip onto the waistband of pants that track multiple things. Devices like Fitbits have the ability to track the number of steps one takes, the distance one travels and the number of calories burned in one day. If people do not want to use Fitbits, there are a handful of apps on smart phones that monitor some of the same things as Fitbits, like calories and steps.
If people would only make the conscious effort every morning when they wake up to clip on their tracking device, they would feel more inclined to exercise.
Fitbits are just one example of a device that can change the way people see physical exercise and activity. Think about the change that could be made in people’s health when they grow older. If every person could attach one of these devices to themselves, and could be reminded throughout the day of their progress, then the positive results are limitless.
Texas hospitals have even started giving their employees these Fitbits in order to encourage awareness of keeping up with one’s well being. My dad received one of these for working at Texas Health HEB Hospital, and he uses it while he goes running after work. Doctors offices and other health care centers should begin encouraging customers or patients to take control of their life.
The point is, wearing these products can not do any harm. Plus, one needs to monitor their daily progress, and using these devices can be positive reinforcements when life starts to become hectic and jammed with other activities. These gadgets will hopefully get rid of couch potatoes, and turn them into fit and physically aware humans. It does not matter what age you are, it is always vital to care about how your heart will fare later on in your life.