By Sloane Samberson
Staff Writer
DALLAS – Band members Mark Foster, Jacob Fink and Mark Pontius seemed to have vanished after their release of “Pumped Up Kicks” in 2011, which oddly became a huge hit despite its vulgar lyrics.
Returning to Dallas three years later, a night filled with psychedelic vibes, bright colors and forgotten lyrics was well worth the wait for Foster the People fans.

The concert, located at South Side Music Hall at Gilley’s Dallas, began at 8 p.m. lasting until 10:45 p.m. The red brick, garage like building made for the perfect night club venue.
Torches, the first album released by Foster the People, set the bar high for competing indie artists as well as the bands future albums. In March it released, Supermodel, an upbeat 11 song album showing off Foster’s unique and talented artistry.
St. Lucia, the opening band, immediately came out in awe of the warm Texas welcome attendees gave. The tropical vibe it produced from its music all the way down to band members floral clothing was hard not to love.
Staff and crew members quickly transformed the small St. Lucia stage into the large, vibrant Foster the People stage filled with crystal shaped lights and moving graphics. Fans cheered ballistically as Foster, Fink and Pontius walked on stage opening with “Life on the Nickel”.
It played a majority of its newest album as well as the classics from Torches such as “Miss You”, “Don’t Stop (Color on the Walls)” and “Helena Beat”.
When the crowd heard the beginning drums of “Helena Beat” they went wild, eager to sing along with Foster. Seconds into the first verse, Foster blanked out, stopping the song right in its tracks, apologizing timidly that he had forgotten the lyrics.
The crowd found this adorable, cheering Foster to continue on, singing the lyrics for him to help the music come back to mind. It was nice to see such a talented man act so natural when embarrassed. It showed fans that he can also get caught up in the moment forgetting something that is so well practiced.
Seeing fans just as on fire for Foster the People as they were back in 2011 was a heartfelt sight. The talent Foster the People withholds, is something that will always be recognized. Even when they disappear after the Supermodel tour, they will return with great music to share with fans in later years.