By Kara Hallam
Staff Writer
There is no better way to sum up the “Alice in Wonderland” play by Eric Franklin’s Take One class than saying it was absolutely amazing.
Not a scene went by without drawing the audience’s laughter from these actors and actresses’ outgoing performances. “Alice in Wonderland” is a play that requires a good amount of courage and confidence from the actors to be able to act out outlandish and bizarre scenes.

This can seem like a challenge for first year Coppell High School actors; however they rose to the occasion. The all-freshman cast did not even hesitate before screaming their hilarious and crazy lines.
The play took place in the Black Box theatre this past Thursday at 7 p.m. The black box provides students the opportunity to perform not just in front of the audience, but all around them. The Chesire Cat played by freshman Erin Jordan would pop out behind the box’s black curtains from all angles of the theatre. Audience members would quickly shift in their seats in anticipation to catch a glimpse of her.
It would take pages to describe the incredible talent of each individual actor because every single actor left a mark on the audience. Even if the actor only had a line or so, their spot on and individualistic performance made an impact on the show that it could not go without.
Freshman Nicole Rewerts served as the main character; Alice. There is barely ever a moment she is not on stage. For a full 45 minutes Rewerts stays in character portraying a naïve and confused Alice. She enthralls audience members with her mysterious situation and guides them through Wonderland along with her, ultimately leaving them on the edge of their seats with the cliffhanger ending.
The most credit however is owed to the play’s Director Franklin, whose casting choices could not have been more perfect. Freshman Evalyn Clark rocked her role as the Mad Hatter along with her accomplices the March Hare played by freshman Claire Robinson and the dormouse played by freshman Mia Hermans. No one could have played a more intimidating Queen of Hearts than freshman Morgan Leabeau who commanded Halberd wielding (with pure joy) Executioner freshman Aidan Harris to behead the cast members.
Conveniently this year’s Take One class even had a set of identical twins to play Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Freshmen Suspender bearing Jack and Ty Dalrymple left the audience hysterically laughing between their high pitched voices and quirky lines.
Even the freshmen flowers Elizabeth Manning, Bhavanah Keepudi, Anusha Jacob and Amanda Bartley had the perfect amount of sass to produce a good amount of giggles from the audience.
“It is inspiring to see that we have such a great set of freshman coming into drama. It was a good showcase of what they can accomplish,” senior Roberto Williams said.
The Take One class took Coppell High School down the rabbit hole, leaving them mystified wanting to follow Alice off stage as she ran away forever in Wonderland.