By: Sloane Samberson
Staff Writer
We have all been witnesses of Miley Cyrus’ most recent outbreaks, but is it just a new way of expressing herself or has she completely lost it?

A lot of parents across America have allowed their children to watch “Hannah Montana” ever since it first aired in 2006. It was a very child friendly show that inspired children to follow their dreams. The moment Cyrus began to break away from being a good girl, parents became skeptical as to whether or not they should continue to let their children watch “Hannah Montana”.
I believe parents have every right to prevent their children from looking up to someone who has done vulgar things, but that gives them no right to call Cyrus trashy. She is just expressing herself. Everyone has the right to express themselves.
By the time “Hannah Montana” had been airing for four years, the quality of each upcoming episode digressed. Cyrus acted as if she was uninterested in playing to role of Hannah Montana. Everyone assumed that the show would be coming to an end due to the miniscule amount of publicity Cyrus had been getting being a Disney Channel star.
It appeared Cyrus briefly disappeared from the media until the 2010 scandal when Cyrus was filmed doing drugs. Cyrus claimed she was only smoking the drug, salvia, but everyone else thought otherwise. From then on, Cyrus’ career began to skyrocket once again, but for all the wrong reasons.
“Hannah Montana” continued losing viewers after the shocking scandal and came to a sudden end in 2011. Her new career started out with a few risqué song releases such as “I Can’t Be Tamed” and “Who Owns My Heart” then escalated to a whole appearance change. She started to wear more scandalous outfits then completely chopped off her long locks and dyed them bleach blonde.
As if her entire appearance haul over did not catch the nation’s attention, her performance singing “We Can’t Stop” at the VMAs finished the job.
People all across the nation tweeted about how she is completely ruining her career but others fully supported her new image. Overall I was stunned to see her perform something so explicit, but it was indeed the VMAs.
The VMAs are known for their outrageous performances, that is why Cyrus did what she did. She was just trying to bring back the tradition. The Rolling Stones even tweeted, “Miley was the one star in the room who truly understood what the MTV Video Music Awards are all about!”
Three days ago Miley spoke out defending herself by saying “Madonna’s done it. Britney’s done it. Every VMA performance, that’s what you’re looking for; you’re wanting to make history,” and in fact Cyrus did make history. To this day people are still tweeting and making comments about Cyrus’ VMA performance.
An online poll was taken at Coppell High School asking students if they thought Cyrus was crazy or free-spirited. Of the approximately 50 students polled via Twitter, 40 percent of the students said she was crazy and 60 percent said she was free-spirited.
There are still some loyal Cyrus fans left in Coppell whereas others have completely lost faith in the southern sweetheart they used to love.
I have no problem with Cyrus’ new image. I personally wouldn’t go on stage in my undergarments, but if that’s who she wants to be known as, then she has every right to. Along with everyone else, she’s just trying to find herself in this world.
Of course not everyone agrees with her lifestyle but if you do not like Cyrus’ music, then do not listen to it. If you do not like her style, then do not follow it. If you do not like the way she’s living her life, then do not live your life like that. Be who you want to be and do what you desire to do.