By Nikki Dabney
Staff Writer
Sophomore Kelly Hall was the only CHS Latin student to place in her event at the Texas State Junior Classical League (TSJCL) 2013 State Convention at Marcus High School on April 12-13. TSJCL is an organization dedicated to the study of Classics, namely Latin and Greek.
She returned with an eighth place ribbon in Latin Mottos, second place ribbon in the Greek Life and Literature Latin Two Division and was Maxima Cum Laude in the pentathlon exam, which covers different aspects of Greek and Roman language, culture and mythology.
“I wasn’t expecting to do this well because last year I got fourth place [in Greek Life and Literature],” Hall said. “I was happy because no one at our school won ribbons, so I’m glad our school was represented.”
With over 3,000 students attending TSJCL, only one grade member from each school is allowed to participate in each competition and every student has to take the pentathlon exam. Last year, Hall’s first choice event, Greek Mythology, was already taken, so she had to compete in Greek Life and Literature, a topic she found interesting but didn’t know much about. After placing fifth, she decided to compete in the event again this year.
“When the names of those who won an award were being called, no one from our school was coming up for a long time and I was thinking, ‘What happened?’” Latin Club president and junior Daniel Sanders said. “This year the test levels were more difficult and there were more students to compete against, so the fact that Kelly did so well and ribboned in an academic test, which are the hardest to place in, is outstanding.”
Hall is not only a valuable competitor, but she is a vital member of the Latin Club and her Latin II class. As a sophomore, she is secretary of Latin Club and regularly takes on tasks and leadership roles to benefit the group.
“Kelly is a powerhouse,” Sanders said. “She puts my organization levels to shame, has a level of intelligence and strength that is so rare and her support and levelheadedness keep the group’s morale high. Even when I’m gone and off to college, I know that I have Kelly and she will keep this club together and not let anything happen to this family.”
Hall’s love for learning and reading was partially influenced by her early education. Her and her siblings were homeschooled until the second grade.
“I think my love for the arts and humanities developed when I was homeschooled,” Hall said. “We went on field trips to operas and art museums and it was more individual, so if I was reading ahead that was fine. My parents actually got me the Harry Potter series in Latin this Christmas.”
Hall’s passion for Latin isn’t just extracurricular. Her independent study helps her excel in her Latin class and add to the class’ depth and intrigue.
“It is difficult to find a student anywhere who is as interested in Latin as Kelly,” Latin teacher Robert Cullen said. “She drives the enthusiasm in her Latin II class and keeps it dynamic and rigorous. She is an inspiration to us all.”
The TSJCL award is the tip of the iceberg of Hall’s achievement. It is a symbolic representation of her contribution to the Latin world at CHS. She arrives early to Latin Club to pump up the members, volunteered to design the T-shirt required for competition and is currently working on organizational tactics to promote Latin at the middle school level.
“Kelly is a truly awesome person,” Sanders said. “She is going to go amazing places and do amazing things.”