For seventeen years, the CHS television program, KCBY, has been a part of Coppell High School. Beginning in 1995, the school-based TV program has entertained and informed students with everything from humorous short films to informative newscast style reports.
KCBY got its name because every news station and radio station west of the Mississippi River is identified first with a “K” and the CBY is a clever abbreviation for Cowboy.
Seven years ago, current director Irma Kennedy took over, and since then she has been making constant improvements to the program. KCBY has won several awards throughout the years and even more recently has had great success.
Every year, there is an annual convention held called Student Television Network or STN, and at this convention high schools gather to be judged and awarded for their hard work. In 2010 at STN KCBY members won three first place prizes in High School Animation – Short, TV Graphics Package and Web Design/New Media. In 2011, KCBY brought home three more prizes – two second place finishes and one second place finish in human interest/feature story.
KCBY has several positions that are filled by students. From project directors to treasurer, it is almost purely student run. This year’s project directors are seniors Hayley Struck, Jen Olson, Eric Park and Davis Deloach. Students in charge of broadcast are junior Natalie Hinson and senior Courtney Echerd. Susan Shahsavari and Cassidy Pickrell run the sports aspect of KCBY. Special features are put together by seniors Joe Han and Priscilla Dasilva, while short films are supervised by seniors Josh Brunelli and Mason Adams. Special projects are headed up by seniors Adam Borel. Senior Will Seitz is the graphics director, junior Regan Sullivan is in charge of public relations, senior Alexis Natale leads social media and senior Kylie Bratton is the accountant for KCBY.

The school TV program has been and will continue to be a staple at Coppell High School.