By Jordan Bickham
Staff Writer
As Red Ribbon week draws to a close, presenters from the group Team Impact visited the school, teaching students about bullying and alcohol.
According to Team Impact’s website, the group’s mission is to, “partner with local churches to reach individual communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ, to serve the local pastor and build the local church.” Their website’s about page goes into detail about how the team teaches their audience the traits of discipleship and trust, as well as equipping them to share the gospel.
Team member Randall Harris and Jeff Neal presented to CHS today, sharing a great message of perseverance and beating odds. But both Harris and Neal are not strangers to overcoming obstacles. Harris is the 2002 IPF Jr. World Champion in powerlifting; which was the first time American has ever won that title in the powerlifting division. Neal was actually once named NFL’s strongest man. He has also won many awards and titles in national and world lifting titles.
While their website discusses mostly how they partner with churches and try to spread the message, that was not the case with today’s presentation.
Harris and Neal began the presentation showing off their incredible strength by tearing phone books and breaking bats. Throughout the presentation, both Harris and Neal shared personal stories of overcoming obstacles. They also argued against drinking, even saying that there is not way to drink responsibly, connecting the presentation directly to Red Ribbon week.
The presentation taught students what Red Ribbon week is all about and made an impact on students for the future.