Story by Kelly Emerson, Sidekick Staff Photographer
Video by Emily Denton, KCBY Staff Member
High school students are accustomed to sleeping in on Saturday mornings, but on Oct. 31 nearly 90 students were on campus for a practice test that would help to prepare them for the real thing.

These students were participating in the practice ACT offered by Project Graduation. Throughout the school year Project Graduation hosts four practice SAT and ACT tests. Project Graduation has partnered with Knowsys to provide this opportunity to Coppell High School students.
This program benefits both the current CHS seniors and the underclassmen who partake in the testing. All profits from the testing go to Project Graduation which uses the money to provide seniors with a post-graduation celebration. In years past Project Graduation has rented out Main Event for a night to provide graduates a safe environment while celebrating their new found independence. The night usually includes bowling, laser tag, video games, pool, food and door prizes.
Project Graduation has a positive reputation among seniors.
“All of my senior friends that graduated last year told me how amazing it was,” senior Sarah Ditto said. “They described all of the activities available for them to do and encouraged me to attend Project Graduation this year after my graduation.”
For underclassmen, it allows them to experience what the real testing experience will be like when it comes time to take the official SAT and ACT. Students began to arrive around 8:15 to take the test and waited in line to sign in, they were provided number two pencils to use and were required to turn off their cell phones.

Once the students were in the three classrooms and the test had begun, volunteer Alan Foster returned to the main desk.
“I remain at the desk during testing to help with and problems that may come up and to relieve proctors when they need a break,” Foster said.
Foster is not the only parent volunteer as this year there is a group of 25 parent volunteers who make up Project Graduation. The group is comprised of parents with children in all grades. It meets once a month beginning in August and continue through June.
“The planning starts at the first meeting with new ideas for the year about ways to raise money [for the party],” President of Project Graduation Deanna Frawley said.
Part of Project Graduation’s income comes from the partnership with Knowsys. Each May Knowsys makes a donation back to Project Graduation which varies in amount year to year but has a direct correlation to the number of students who participated in the tests.
This year the party will be held on the evening of June 6 just a few hours after the approximately 700 seniors graduate.