By Tolu Salako
Staff Writer
Hello CHS,
I am excited to see what lays ahead for The Sidekick and Coppell Student Media this year! My name is Tolu Salako and this will be my second year as a staff writer and I cannot wait to get back to writing and reading great stories on our online and print publication!
While many were relaxing this past summer, CHS underwent many changes including new teachers, courses, and refurnished classrooms. It may take some getting used to, but I am truly excited for what this year has to offer.
Being a junior this year, I know that I will have a lot on my plate such as my six AP classes, hours of SAT and ACT prep as well as nearing tests. However, it is always great to know that I can look forward to my fourth period class and be able to do something I really like do: writing and reading great quality stories.
Good Luck to everyone this year!