By Tanner McCord
Staff Writer
Thank goodness it is Thursday! Just one more day remains until juniors are officially finished with TAKS testing. The week that is dreaded for some and incredible for others is nearly wrapped up, and as the brother of a freshman who has come to school at noon for the past three days, I can say it’ll be nice to have someone else rubbing the sleep out of their eyes in the morning again.
With Mathematics TAKS yesterday and Science today for juniors and sophomores, as well as Social Studies tomorrow for both grades, I know I am not the only one who is ready for the week to be over.
There is just something special about the Friday of a test week, perhaps it is just the regular weekend anticipation or the fact that we will no longer be trapped in the cold, quiet rooms that we stay in for hours at a time, but I know that as soon as that final bell rings, summer will be even more and more present in students’ minds.
Tonight get some good rest, have a solid breakfast in the morning, and juniors, enjoy your last TAKS ever.