By Tolu Salako

Staff Writer
Sixty hours of video are uploaded onto YouTube every minute. Over four billion people view videos on this site per day. In 2011, this Internet hot spot had more than one trillion views.
YouTube is the largest video-sharing site in the world and has built its reputation since 2006. For some, YouTube is the website where people upload adorable cat and baby videos, but for others, YouTube is the place to discover amazing musicians, comedians and filmmakers around the world.
“YouTube is a great website to either access great information or to be entertained.” Psychology teacher Jack Crocker said, “I am not familiar with all the major YouTube stars, but I have seen many talented people on [YouTube.]”
The following YouTube channels are among the top 100 most subscribed people on the site. With a wide range of gifted comedians, filmmakers and musicians, YouTube is able to appeal to many people.
Ray William Johnson
Currently, the most subscribed person on YouTube is Ray William Johnson. In April 2009, Johnson created a YouTube show in which he reviews the three most interesting or funniest videos that week. This show is called, “=3” and is popular among many Coppell High School students.
“I have been watching [Ray William Johnson’s] videos since the eighth grade.” sophomore Sunil Rajan said. “He is a very talented comedian and I always look forward to watching his weekly show.”
Throughout the years, Johnson has incorporated other additional channels such as “BreakingNYC,” and “Your Favorite Martian.” “BreakingNYC” is a weekly vlog channel that is posted every Friday and “Your Favorite Martian,” involves funny animated music videos that are released twice a month. Ray William Johnson’s channel is very popular among high school students, to whom his sense of humor greatly appeals.
Graduating from Boston University with a degree in psychology, her YouTube stardom, like many others, came unexpected. JennaMarbles became an overnight web celebrity from her popular video, “How to Trick People into Thinking You’re Good Looking,” reaching more than five million views on YouTube.
“The first ‘webisode’ I watched on [JennaMarbles’ channel] was ‘What Disney Movies Taught Me,’ and I though it was hilarious.” sophomore Gaby Rivera said. “She gave me a different yet hilarious outlook on these movies that I had grown up with.”
JennaMarbles is well known among the female demographic in which most of her webisodes focus on teenage girls such as in the videos, “What Girls do in the Car,” and “How To Avoid Talking To People You Don’t Want To Talk To.” Though there are some segments in which she talks about what boys do in certain situations, the female demographic tends to understand where Jenna is coming from as she expresses her concerns in a hilarious way.
Karmin proves that YouTube is not only the place for hilarious cat videos, but also for extremely talented musicians. The band, Karmin, consists of the engaged couple, Amy Heidemann and Nick Noonan who received their increasing popularity from their cover of the song, “Look at Me now” by Chris Brown, feat. Busta Rhymes and Lil’ Wayne.
With Heidmann’s unique talent with rapping and Noonan’s great instrumental abilities, this band has been able to be a part of the top 100 most subscribed YouTubers in 2011, with 798, 809 subscribers and counting.
This duo has recently been featured on Ellen and has been the artist guest star on Saturday Night Live. YouTube has helped this talented duo in ‘making it big’ and one can find their original and cover music on iTunes.
YouTube has changed peoples’ lives for the better and has exposed the world to talented musicians, filmmakers, and comedians. YouTube has been able to stand strong with amazing YouTube channels and its faithful subscribers.