By Tolu Salako
Staff Writer
I am sure that I am not the only one who has been bombarded with tests and quizzes this past week. Teachers at CHS have been cramming in assessments this week in order to have a certain amount of grades put in for the third six weeks grading period.
I am aware that the cramming of test and quizzes is normal when the six weeks period begins to end, however the fact that exams are just around the corner does n not give me enough time to study for finals over the week.
I am sure that many CHS students are taking their fair share of difficult AP classes which require a lot more time to study, but many students are having trouble studying for the exam next week because of all the ridiculous amount of tests and quizzes that are being assigned.
Unfortunately, the upcoming three day weekend will consist of all nighters and attending numerous study groups in order to cram for the semester exam in order to raise our GPA.