Laura Kattilakoski
staff writer

Education is very important to our nation’s youth and President Obama made second annual back-to-school speech, which aired live in the Coppell High School lecture hall, on Sept. 14.
The following day, the speech was broadcasted in students’ history classes.
The message to American students was to work hard in school. A part of the speech was a flashback to Obama’s high school career, when he was not always the best student. He shared an experience about how his mother’s words influenced him to really focus on school, helping him attain the education that has allowed him to be so successful now.
“Excelling is about working harder than everyone else,” Obama said. “You may find out you have talents you’ve never dreamed of.”
He highlighted the importance of diligent work and how people who weren’t born with everything handed to them can still come out on top if they are willing to work hard.
The live speech was not a popular event with the student body. Many students weren’t even aware that the speech was taking place, and only two students were in attendance of the live speech at the CHS lecture hall.
“I really only went to see who else was there,” junior Emily Miznazi, one of the students at the live showing, said. “It encouraged me to achieve my goals. Anything is possible. I might even make As and pass in IB.”
The speech was later viewed in history classes. Some teachers had students fill out charts, but just as many did not have any relevant in-class activities.