Shelby Jurca
Staff Writer

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II (July 15)
It is the end of a saga that has helped shape a generation. Harry, Ron and Hermione have overcome three-headed dogs, giant snakes, man-crushing trees, werewolves, heartbreak and loss together and now 0they continue on their journey to find and destroy the four remaining horcruxes. Harry has to make a decision that will determine the outcome of the war between good and evil and ultimately the fate of the world. Everything has led up to this moment— this is the end.
This is my top must-see for the summer, not because it is the most famous or because everyone is excited about it, but because I believe that this movie will surpass even the highest expectations of the general public.
2. The Hangover Part II (May 26)
The wolfpack is back in a wild new adventure. Phil, Stu and Allen find themselves in Bangkok for Stu’s wedding, sending them dwindling into another misguided adventure. There are many reoccurring characters from the first movie including Mike Tyson and Mr. Chow.
I have a feeling the guys are in for a whirlpool of adventure that will make their first adventure seem like child’s play. However, I do have my skepticism that this movie may just be a repeat of what happened in the last one with no new plotline. But I would say with the excitement that the first movie conjured up, this movie is a must-see.
3. The Green Lantern (June 17)
Alert the comically inclined— the Green Lantern is back. Ryan Reynolds portrays the legendary emerald adventurer in the new film, Green Lantern. Test pilot Hal Jordan (Reynolds) has an interesting run-in with an alien that changes his life forever. He is destined to possess the illustrious, mystical green ring that will grant him the power to defend the universe. Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), fellow pilot and love interest, adds to the tension and encourages Hal to overcome his fears. If you are looking for action with a hint of romance— follow the lantern.
4. Transformers: Dark of the Moon (July 1)
The Transformers franchise continues this summer with Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Shia LeBeouf continues to entertain in portraying the legendary Sam Witwicky. And yes boys, it is true; your beloved Megan Fox will not be returning as Mikaela Banes.
The Autobots are back, seeking revenge for their defeat against the Decepticons in the last film, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The robots end up becoming involved in the Space Race and Sam Witwicky has to help them once again.

5. Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22)
Let us continue with the superheroes, shall we? We have had Thor, Green Lantern and the Transformers, now Paramount Pictures introduces Marvel’s legendary patriotic paratrooper in Captain America: The First Avenger. Steve Rogers, a tall, but scrawny fine arts student who attempts to enlist in the army in World War II, but is rejected and winds up being the subject for a top-secret government project designed to create physically superior soldiers. The operation gives him a new life and gives birth to the iconic comic superhero, Captain America.
6. X-Men: First Class (June 3)
Rogue, Emma Frost and the infamous Wolverine, these are just some of the members of the famous X-Men team. But how did the X-Men come to be the X-Men? That is what this movie is all about; the rise of the X-Men and the betrayal of Magneto. Professor Charles Xavier established a school for people with super abilities, later becoming a team of superheroes. But along the way, his best friend, Erik Lehnsherr, went to the dark side and became a legendary villain who would face off against the X-Men repeatedly and fight other heroes. So, for those who want to see that transformation come to life, this is your movie.