by Shelby Jurca
Staff Writer
Swimming through the clear blue waters, basking in the sun, travelling across the country and – most importantly – no homework. Summer is the most enjoyable time of a student’s year. Many Coppell High School students were given opportunities to do some awesome things this summer; everything from camps to travelling halfway across the world.
Junior Alanna Diggs: Foreign Exchange Program
Favorite Part About Summer: Not having to be on a sleep schedule and just how spontaneous you can be. You don’t have to plan to go somewhere— you just go.
How did you get involved with this program? I want to be a diplomat, I realized I needed to get out of the country. I found a program that I wanted to try, R.Y.L.A. (Rotary Youth Leadership Association), and it turned out that one of the guys that runs the program goes to my church. I talked to him and he set me up, I filled out my application and I got accepted.
How does this program work? I go to Germany, they show me around, then I come back here and show them around.
What are you nervous about? I’ve never done anything like it before, and I’m nervous about fitting in and being able to communicate with the people there.
What are you going to show your partnering foreign exchange student? I’m going to take them around Coppell and Dallas, and then I’m planning on taking them on a road trip somewhere.
What Do You Hope To Experience? I hope to learn more about the country and broaden my horizons. I want to see the influence of America in other places. I’m hoping that I can help bridge the gap between cultures and it’s also good for me to get a preview of the job that I’m hoping to have.
Favorite Summer Activity: “Bahama Bucking” [getting snow cones at Bahama Bucks].
Mason Adams: Shooting Short Films
Favorite part about summer: Having free time and hanging out with friends.
Plans for summer: I plan on filming a couple short films this summer with some of my friends which will hopefully be shown in local film festivals.
What do you hope to experience: I hope I experience some failure just so I can learn from my mistakes and maybe further my career in the film industry.
Favorite summer activities: Swimming, golf, filming and hanging out with friends.
What do you do to prepare for filming? Think of an idea, storyboard, film, edit, etc.
Sarah Bauer: Traveling to London
Plans for summer: I’m going to London to visit family and travel around; go to church camp in Colorado; go to Daytona Beach with my church; and [prepare] All-State music.
What you are excited about: The free time to do what I want, when I want.
What you hope to experience in England: Culture. I went to Italy during Spring Break and got to see how the Italians live and now I’m ready to rock a British accent and have tea and crumpets for every meal.
Favorite Summer activities: Hiking, traveling and sleeping.
Why did you choose to travel this summer? Because it’s what I love to do. It has come to my attention that the older you get, the faster life gets, so I better do what I want to do now before I’m too old.