By Abby Drake
Staff Writer
TAKS week is either a week that everyone dreads or that everyone begs for. Regardless it is one of the most anticipated weeks of the year.
TAKS is a collection of subject test for each grade that proves whether or not the students were able to learn all that is required during that year. Not every grade has to take every test, it all depends on what the state thinks is necessary.
Many people love taking the TAKS test because they find it to be a very simple test and it makes for an easy care free week, but others have terrible test anxiety and think of it as a week of constant stressful testing.
For seniors, however, this week poses as one of the best weeks of the whole year. Since the state is not concerned with students in their finally year they do not have to participate in any of the tests. This means that every senior gets late arrival for the entire week.
Although the test seems like a big joke it is actually very important for a students future. Without passing grades on every test graduation is at stake, so all students should stay focused try hard and tackle that TAKS test