Story by Rebecca Neumann
Video by Mattie Daily
On Feb. 18, the senior Lariettes rushed around the locker, changed into several different costumes, carefully styled their hair, and danced at CHS for the last time at their annual Showoff event.
The Showoffs are not a competition; the event is an opportunity for the teams to perform their dances in front of a friendly CHS crowd before heading to contest. It was also a chance for individual dancers to choreograph and perform personal dances.
Senior Jackie Clark took that opportunity with the help of fellow Lariette seniors Emily Smith and Alyssa Slaight.
“I’m really nervous and I’ve had knots in my stomach all week,” Clark said. “But I’m really excited because it’s my first time to perform a solo. Alyssa Slaight and Emily Smith, who are also on Lariettes, helped me choreograph the dance, so it makes it really personal that the two of them did that for me. They helped me through it and they love it and so I love it, too.”
Now, the rest of their performances will be held at upcoming contests.
“It’s really bittersweet, but I’m excited because it’s finally coming to an end so we’ll all be able to move on to the next thing,” Clark said. “It’s all really exciting.”
Smith decided not to participate in a solo, but she was still kept busy.
“I had to do four costume changes because I was only in the team dances this year, I didn’t do a solo, but it can get pretty hectic back [in the locker room], with everyone trying to change at once,” Smith said.
Smith can also relate to the sadness and relief Clark felt.
“It’s kind of sad just knowing this is our last time dancing all together at contest these next few weekends, but at the same time I’m excited to go off to college,” Smith said. “It’s been fun, but now I’m ready to start new things. Dance will probably always be a hobby, but I don’t know if it will be my career.”
Senior captain Katie Perdue also had a busy night. She participated in eight dances, the most of any other dancer.
“By the end [of the night] I was exhausted,” Perdue said. “We had the normal 7 a.m. practice plus an extra practice at 5 p.m. until right before the show. But performing for my family and all my friends is my favorite thing in the world. I love being able to show off all the hard work and all we do to the school.”
At their competition last weekend, the team received first place in jazz, kick and hip-hop and first runner up in pom, choreography awards in jazz and pom, first runner up for “Best In Class” and fourth place out of the whole competition.
The officers, including Perdue, made first runner up in jazz and lyrical and first place in novelty and choreography awards in novelty and lyrical.