Julia Kim
Staff Writer
I sat, staring quizzically at the movements of the people onscreen. The two held each other in a rather long (and awkward) embrace for several minutes, capturing both the attention – and apparently the emotions – of the audience, who sat teary-eyed. It was time for one of the girls to move, to be separated from her closest childhood friend. I saw the two protagonists laugh. And cry. I saw them build their friendship from Day One for fifteen years in the movie, indulging themselves in seemingly trivial activities that remained permanent in their memories. This friendship was genuine.
I cannot recall the last time I wept at the loss of a friend; it may never have happened at all. It is difficult for me to call one peer my “BFF” – a term I hear thrown around on a daily basis. During my seven years in Coppell, I have attempted to build true friendships, and the feat is quite the challenge.
Although my coterie has expanded in the last few years, it is interesting to see the majority of my older companionships fade and get replaced by newer ones. I occasionally share a few friendly remarks with former friends, but we often ignore each other as we briefly pass by in the halls.
However, it is different with those I have become acquainted with on better terms than just sharing a class or two. The individuals I knew as a student in middle school are the ones I still embrace regardless of the fact that we do not have any common classes, and I suppose this can be attributed to the years spent developing understanding and more importantly: trust.
Nevertheless, I cannot deny that I have not made sincere friends in the past year – friends, I hope, who remain my friends even with old age. It is quite simple if our interests and personality click. Although I have many classmates, there are only a few I can undoubtedly deem true friends. I find comfort in knowing that I will still remain friends with these people regardless of time or distance. In spite of physical separation and any other barrier, we will be friends twenty years later, friends 50 years later, friends forever.
High school friendships last a long time. These are friendships that last longer than a lifetime and do not dissipate after one or two quarrels; they are permanent.
I have heard from many sources in college that relationships there are different, though not necessarily for the better or worse. I can only hope that my newest acquaintances in college are the same.
These are the things that last forever. Longer than school. Longer than items. Longer than a negative credit report.
They are genuine.