Rating Romance is a five-part podcast series reviewing popular romance films until Valentine’s Day. Listen to staff designer Safiya Azam and staff writer Jay Vernekar discuss the iconic romance film, Titanic.
Safiya Azam is a second-year junior on The Sidekick, she loves all forms of journalism from graphics, writing, podcasting, photography and more! When she’s not working on a story you can find her thrifting, binging shows, or doodling. Contact Safiya at sxa5943@g.coppellisd.com.
Jay Vernekar is a sophomore and first year staff writer of The Sidekick.He has a passion for writing but is also looking forward to exploring all the learning opportunities The Sidekick has to offer. He is eager to work hard to provide polished products for all that enjoy content from The Sidekick.He enjoys time with family and friends, cherishing all the positive connections he makes. He loves true crime/murder mystery novels! His favorite podcast is “Rotten Mango” by Stephanie Soo, and a recent book he loves is “The Paris Apartment” by Lucy Foley. You can contact Jay at jrv1233@g.coppellisd.com.
Rhea is a senior and the Media Editor for The Sidekick. She found her love for media stories through their ability to convey a strong message with sound and visuals. While she’s not cranking out a story, she loves to hang out with friends, grab a camera and take some photos or plop her Beats on and listen to music for hours. You can reach her through Instagram (@rhea.chowdhary), X (rhea_chowdhary) or email (rxc9906@g.coppellisd.com).
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