The first thing you see when you look in the mirror in the morning is a bulging red zit in the middle of your forehead. In a hurry to get ready for school, you pray it will magically disappear with the remedy of water and soap.
To your dismay, the illuminating red spot remains unchanged.
Acne breakouts are common amongst adolescents and teenagers, but forming a daily routine can help maintain healthy skin.
To find the right products for your skin, begin by examining your skin quality. Mild acne in certain areas of your face can be solved with over-the-counter products, but severe acne or extreme inflammation of the skin may need the attention of a dermatologist.
Regardless of your skin condition, applying sunblock is crucial as it protects the skin from harmful UV rays from the sun. This can also keep your skin young and wrinkle-free as you age.
Forming a skincare routine may seem like a daunting task, but remember to keep it simple. Using fewer products can be more beneficial than using multiple. In my case, I restrict myself only to a moisturizer, serum and occasionally acne cream.
I have fairly sensitive skin which limits the variety of products I can use without irritation. By trying out different products and treatments, I found certain factors to avoid while choosing skincare products.
Scented products, for example, contain ingredients that can cause irritation and inflammation. For this reason, I recommend using unscented skincare to avoid skin sensitivity.
Another factor that can trigger sensitive skin is acidic formulas. Using serums that contain vitamin C can lead to itching and redness due to its low pH of 2.5-3.5 and high quantity of ascorbic acid. However, not all people may experience negative effects of vitamin C as it is known for replenishing and brightening skin. It depends on your level of sensitivity.
To find the right acne treatment for your skin, first determine what formulas work best for you.
One option of acne treatment is salicylic acid which exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells. This can be beneficial in reducing inflammation of the skin.
Another option is benzoyl peroxide, a treatment that kills bacteria that causes acne. This treatment can reduce inflammation and redness, but be cautious as an overuse can lead to dryness and peeling.
Be sure to apply your skincare products every morning and night, ensuring maximal skin replenishment. Start by applying moisturizer, then serum and end with any topical creams, such as acne treatment.
Forming a healthy skincare routine can take time, but researching and experimenting with different products can guide you to the right path.
Coppell High School students interested in learning more about skin care can join the Dermatology and Cosmetology Club.
“Our club spreads information about skincare in a fun way with hands-on activities and conducting tests to evaluate different skincare products,” Dermatology and Cosmetology Club president Aditi Rathod said. “Skincare is essential to our everyday hygiene because it is crucial to clean our skin regularly to prevent any type of acne or infection.”
Taking care of your skin can help elevate your health as well as your confidence. Finding the right skincare products might be tedious, but establishing a daily routine can contribute to a lifetime of healthy life habits overall.
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