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Six Coppell High School Student Council members elected the Student Council executive officers for the 2024-25 school year and each has shared their aspirations for the upcoming year.
Six Coppell High School Student Council members elected the Student Council executive officers for the 2024-25 school year and each has shared their aspirations for the upcoming year.
Eirene Park

Faces of CHS Student Council

Senior Student Council president Rudhmila Hoque
Coppell High School senior Rudhmila Hoque is the 2024-25 Student Council president. Hoque values the connections and friendships she has made through Student Council. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School senior Rudhmila Hoque is the 2024-25 Student Council president. Hoque has been a member of the leadership team for four years, previously serving as freshman class secretary, sophomore class representative, vice president and president.

Why did you choose to run for Student Council president?

Throughout the three years, I was in leadership at the time of running. I grew to really love Student Council because it’s a lot of fun. I noticed that there were some improvements that we can all make, so I thought if I became president, I would have the power to implement them better. I also wanted to make the student council improve within our communication between the staff and the students.

What are your responsibilities? 

It’s mostly just oversight over [other officers], so if they need help with something, I help them. I also approve a lot of funding with [treasurer and senior Aiden Song]. It’s just the usual stuff but it’s a really powerful role and I feel like I should use it to the best of my ability.

What did you learn from being an officer?

From being an officer, I learned a lot about communication, leadership and teamwork. I realized that it’s very important to have efficient communication because we have a lot of student council and class officers. It’s very important to be clear and decisive, along with being quick in thinking and decision making. Lastly, I also learned about teamwork, being nice to other people, listening to other people’s opinions and more.

How has being part of the leadership shaped you as a person?

I came out of my shell because I was really shy back in ninth grade compared to now. Now I’d say, I’m pretty extroverted and I love just meeting new people. With this personality, I made a lot of connections: both academic and personal. Academically, I now have a lot of friends, who are smarter than me, thus tutoring me, and it helped me realize how to be official with my productivity and time management skills; it really helped me with my grades.

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Junior Student Council vice president Johan Padayatti
Coppell High School junior Johan Padayatti is the 2024-25 Student Council vice president. Padayatti hopes to create a backbone for the Student Council and get more involved. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School junior Johan Padayatti is the 2024-2025 student council vice president. Padayatti has been a member of the leadership team for three years, serving as sophomore and freshman representative.

What are your responsibilities?

As the vice president, I work with the president to make sure events run smoothly. I also talk to administrators to make sure everything is in order within the student body, and help with the ‘planning and attending’ events our school holds. Lastly, we are a part of a student council district where we attend three events and learn more about leadership.

What have you learned about leadership from your experience in the student council program?

I learned that leadership can come in so many forms. You can be a leader by doing something so small, for instance, helping clean up school. I also experienced meeting with others and being able to help them grow.

What is something you want to build on for next year?

I definitely want to meet more people, be able to build connections and get to know them on a personal level. I also want to help make next year’s pep rallies hyped and gain more school spirit than the past years.

What do you wish to learn from your officer peers?

I believe there is so much to learn about my officer peers, as our officers are diverse in terms of personality. The thing I love most about them is their ability to connect with other people, as student council is evident in every corner of the school.

What motivated you to become vice president?

I’ve been involved in student council for three years, and it has always been so engaging and fun that I developed a love for having a leadership position. Every year, I want to get more involved and create a backbone for Student Council. When I got the opportunity to run for an officer position, I instantly ran for the position as I knew I could be more involved and learn more about the background of student council.

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Senior Student Council secretary Tarun Amin
Coppell High School senior Tarun Amin is Student Council secretary for the 2024-25 school year. This year, Amin hopes to make a cohesive community and plan events. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School senior Tarun Amin has been elected the student council secretary for the 2024-25 school year. Amin previously served as the sophomore class representative and is now the secretary for StuCo in his senior year.

What are your responsibilities and what motivated you to serve?

I help organize the leadership meetings that we have and remind people about certain events. My main motivation was from my previous position as a sophomore representative. I enjoyed being in the leadership, and I wanted to continue that as the secretary and help organize.

What do you admire about the current leadership team and what would you like to change about it?

I admire everybody’s tenacity; everybody in the leadership team is willing to serve. We also have a really strong bond with each other, in terms of friendship and cooperation. One thing I would like to change is for the team to come up with more ideas to create a more cohesive community here at CHS.

How has being an officer changed your perspective on how things work at our school?

I’m able to see kind of the details of what we do because one of the main things we do is plan Homecoming, so I’m able to see how we go about getting the materials for that. At the leadership camp, we helped organize what kinds of ideas we wanted to have for that, such as the themes. It’s cool to see the inside of what we do at CHS and the events we organize.

What advice would you give to a student joining Student Council?

If you’re joining, be involved and try to do everything that you can. It’s not about points but about being involved in doing all the activities that we put out there, like the dress up days or any volunteering that we have, which can help you become more involved and better serve the CHS community.

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Senior Student Council treasurer Aiden Song
Coppell High School senior Aiden Song is the 2024-2025 Student Council treasurer. Song hopes to have an organized system in school this year. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School senior Aiden Song has been elected as the treasurer. Song has been an appointed member of the student council for three years as a junior representative, sophomore representative and a freshman treasurer.

What are your responsibilities?

My responsibilities as the treasurer include keeping track of Student Council points, managing the meetings that take place every month and helping the president, just like any other officer who needs help and what their duties are.

What do you admire about the current leadership team?

The leadership team is a community; everyone is more inclusive and it allows for more elaborate ideas for events. We are welcome to different ideas since everyone is able to share their own ideas.

How has being in the shoes of an officer changed your perspective on how things function?

Before joining Student Council, I didn’t see how it could impact me in life. Now, it helped me see the behind the scene work, teaching me the commitment student council members have.

What changes are you hoping to make within the school with your role?

I am hoping to have more projects this year that include not just officers but Student Council members and students who aren’t a part of Student Council. I believe that we should have an organized system within the school.

How has being in Student Council has changed you?

Before Student Council, I never interacted with students when it came to clubs, but student council has taught me how to allow myself to participate; it has also allowed me to improve my public speaking and connect with fellow students.

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Senior Student Council parliamentarian Corbin Chen
Coppell High School senior Corbin Chen is the 2024-25 Student Council parliamentarian. This year, Chen hopes to reduce conflict among students and bring people together. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School senior Corbin Chen was elected the student council’s parliamentarian for his last year of high school. Chen has been part of this organization for three years as the sophomore class representative, junior class representative and as the parliamentarian, along with being the senior class board member.

What is your role as the parliamentarian and why are you the best fit for this position?

As the parliamentarian, I mostly keep order. When people are talking too much or not talking enough, I mainly just get them to start and conduct the meeting in a more efficient way. I think I’m the best fit for this position because I’m the most organized.

What changes are you hoping to make in the school?

The school is a big place and I’m only one person so I guess I’m mainly trying to work with my other class members to make a difference like bringing people together. There’s a lot of differences here and a lot of those differences lead to a lot of conflict, so I just want to reduce that.

What have you learned about leadership in Student Council?

The biggest thing I learned is that being a leader isn’t about being the smartest or strongest. It’s about being someone your group can trust and depend on; I think people who can trust you would peg you to be a leader.

How do you see your experience in Student Council influencing your future career choices?

I think being in Student Council is going to better prepare me for leadership roles, not just as employees, but also as a person. I feel like it’ll help me rise above the ranks if that’s what I end up doing.

In what way do you think being on the Student Council has changed you?

It helped me spread my wings a lot more; I’ve met a lot more people. Before I was kind of ‘closed in,’ isolated, but it’s really helped me open up this way.

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Junior Student Council historian Jessica Paulino
Coppell High School junior Jessica Paulino is the 2024-25 Student Council historian. Paulino hopes to promote school spirit and build more connections. (Elizabeth De Santiago)

Coppell High School junior Jessica Paulino is the 2024-2025 student council historian. Paulino is a first-time student council leader, joining during her sophomore year of high school.

What are your responsibilities as historian?

As a historian, I manage the TikTok account, I’m also in charge of taking photos at events and pep rallies, recording all the activities we do.

What are you looking to change about the school with being a historian?

I want to make a positive impact and I want to make sure that students at Coppell get their full high school experience, with the seniors receiving all the recognition they deserve. I also want to be able to capture all the memories in a year and what high school was like to our class.

What do you wish to learn from your officer peers?

From my fellow officers, I want to learn the sense of maturity that they gain, what it means to be a leader to others and what it means to be involved within the community of the school.

What do you admire about your current role?

I love how I get to connect with a lot of unique and different communities in the school. For example, I’ve been helping to aid with the pep rally and football games. As an officer, we get to make decisions about collaborating with clubs and organizations within the school.

Why do you believe you are the best fit for your role?

I am very passionate and honored to have been able to have this position. As an organized person I believe taking photos, videos and posting to social media is a great way to create connections and to keep memories.

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