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October 26, 2023

Murphy takes over Cowboys as new head basketball coach

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Coppell girls basketball coach Ryan Murphy has been named new head coach of the Coppell boys basketball team, replacing Clint Schnell who resigned following the 2023-24 season. Murphy led the Cowgirls to the 2023 Class 6A state semifinals.

During a Coppell girls basketball team meeting on Monday, coach Ryan Murphy announced his decision to take on the role of the Coppell boys basketball coach. 

“I needed the perfect opportunity,” Murphy said. “With the culture that we have built in the girls program, it needed to be the perfect situation for me to take on a new role.” 

Being the boys assistant for three seasons from 2016-19, then the girls head coach for four seasons from 2019-2024, leaving the Cowgirls was not an easy choice. 

Coppell girls basketball coach Ryan Murphy has been named new head coach of the Coppell boys basketball team, replacing Clint Schnell who resigned following the 2023-24 season. Murphy led the Cowgirls to the 2023 Class 6A state semifinals. (File Photo)

For Murphy, it is not a better opportunity, but a chance to rebuild the boys program just like he rebuilt the girls. 

“It is really bittersweet,” Murphy said. “All of those girls have had such an impact on me and the parents, they’ve been incredible. It’s really hard to walk away from them, but I just felt like the boys program was in a position where the things that I felt like they needed and what they could be, I could help provide.”

Replacing Clint Schnell as head coach, Murphy takes over the boys after its 16-17 season which did not produce a playoff berth. After six years leading the boys program, Schnell resigned to seek a new opportunity. 

His first meeting with the boys was short, but had a strong impact. 

“I introduced myself to the team and I could tell that these guys are winners,” Murphy said. “I told them that we can win now and we need to start instilling fear into the other teams.”

With the season to come, Murphy looks forward to winning and changing the team for the better. 

“I believe we have what it takes to win now,” Murphy said. “However, everyone is getting the same opportunity to earn a spot on the team and they will have a better mentality.”

Follow Namir (@namir_awan) and @SidekickSports on X. 

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About the Contributors
Namir Awan
Namir Awan, Staff Photographer
Namir is a junior and a 2nd year staff writer for The Sidekick. Namir loves to watch and play basketball and football. Namir enjoys learning about history because he likes learning about the past. He also loves to play video games with his friends; his favorite game is Rocket League. Namir also works at Kumon; he enjoys working there because he enjoys helping kids learn math and reading. Namir is excited for this upcoming year as he goes into his second year of being on The Sidekick. You can contact him at [email protected].
Olivia Short
Olivia Short, Sports Visual Media Editor
Olivia is a senior and it is her second year on The Sidekick. You can find her listening to music, thrifting, or binge watching tv shows and movies. If you would like to contact her, email her at [email protected]

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