“We need your help,” landscape architect Samit Patel says with a presentation stretched over the whiteboard in the Coppell High School lecture hall. Students look to the front of the room in awe.
Samit Patel Design Studios landscape architects, Samit Patel, Jack Phillip and Audrey Fann, gave a presentation about architectural design in the Coppell High School Lecture Hall on Wednesday. The presentation was hosted by art teacher David Bearden.
Samit Patel Design Studios is developing a monument in Coppell City Hall, and is allowing CHS’s Art II Sculpture class to submit ideas for the design of the monument. They have one week to submit as many ideas as they desire to, and can work either alone, or in groups. They can submit design ideas in any medium, such as a sketch or a verbal description.
Architects from Samit Patel Design Studios will return to CHS in a week to look over the ideas, relay feedback and choose a design for the monument.
“We’ll take some of your designs to our larger design team and start to figure out the initial concepts that we can take forward to the city,” Patel said. “They’ll choose from two to three of your designs and make a final decision.”
Bearden emphasized his excitement, and how great of an opportunity he thought the contest was.
“The incredible thing about this opportunity is that it is local. The fact that you can possibly see something you created next year when you pass by Coppell Town Center is amazing.” Bearden said.
Students are encouraged to be creative and to create ideas as innovative as they can think of despite cost, physics and space.
“The sky’s the limit when it comes to this,” Phillips said. “We can worry about the technical stuff later, just be creative.”
Earlier in the presentation, Phillips also talked about different influential architects, how the process for architectural design works, and examples of how landscape architecture is utilized.
“Any building that you see has landscape architecture involved.” Philips said. “If a building’s design didn’t work, it probably didn’t include landscape architecture.
The meeting concluded with questions about the contest and wishes of good luck from the architects.
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