After reinstating C days in the 2022-23 school year, Coppell High School has now removed C days and returned to an A/B bell schedule.
The reinstated bell schedule will alternate between A and B days, reminiscent of the bell schedule from the 2021-22 school year. At the end of the week, if it is an A day on Friday, it will be a B day on Monday and vice versa. Also, teachers are able to give A day classes tests and assignments first, even if the week starts with a B day.
During the 2022-23 school year, C days were established with a goal to resolve issues of transportation for students going from New Tech High @ Coppell and Coppell High School Ninth Grade Campus to CHS.
However, schedules at CHS9 and NTH@C didn’t correspond with each other, causing concern for the administration.
“We couldn’t get kids to appear on time nor get back on time,” CHS Principal Laura Springer said. “I didn’t want kids to miss academic times.”
The transportation and shuttles would often run late, causing the students to miss time sparking confusion on Fridays.
According to Springer, C days were a way for teachers and students to have a break from work and slow down the curriculum for students to catch up. Changes in the bell schedule causes more curriculum to be taught during the week now.
“There were restrictions on C days I didn’t like,” AP Precalculus teacher Farzin Farzad said. “You lose so much time and if we were all caught up, it would be a waste of a day.”
Some students are upset with the change in the bell schedule and appreciate the flexibility of classes during C days.
“They were awesome,” CHS junior Richard Jerald said. “I could relax Thursday night knowing that we didn’t have tests on Friday, and I could also attend all my classes and ask any questions I had for the next exam or assignment.”
On the other hand, some students are delighted with the change as C days caused them stress and their class time was not put to good use.
“C days were useless, you couldn’t take tests, getting to class on time was an issue, and overall, I just hated the usage of Fridays as C days,” CHS junior Sidharth Kumara Swamy said.
With AP and IB classes, teachers had too much content and little time to teach. This created extra homework on Friday nights and weekends.
“I personally liked it because it dedicated students and teachers to finish work,” AP U.S. History teacher Kevin Casey said. “But for others it was too confusing. Students would come late, and work would be all over the place. C days had to go. An alternating A and B schedule was better.”
All in all, C days were a test that did not pass. Springer has been a supporter of C days.
“I’m very frustrated that there are no more C days,” Springer said, “Sometimes I have to do what’s best for the greater good.”
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