An ode to sophomore year
As Nyah Rama looks back at the school year, she realizes the value of her time spent at Coppell High School. The Sidekick staff writer Nyah Rama is grateful for all of the changes that sophomore year has brought for herself and others. Graphic by Trey Boudreuax
May 16, 2023
My freshman year, simply put, was awful. In every aspect of my life, it was terrible and quite possibly the worst year of my life.
I went into sophomore year with zero expectations, I just wanted to get through the year and hoped it would get better. In a surprising turn of events, it became more than I had ever expected of it.
While the beginning of the year can only be described as a slow burn, it quickly picked up the pace and has turned out to be the best year of my life.
My sophomore year can only be described as a year of evolution. Everything about me is a complete 180-degree turn from last year.
For as long as I can remember I have had this fear of letting my true personality out. I cannot exactly explain why, but it always controlled me. Who would I be if I was not constantly miserable or in my own head? Who would I be if I was not always scared of simply saying ‘hi’ to someone or freaking out over a text message?
Oh, I don’t know, happy?
It all started with homecoming. That night I was determined to let my guard down and maybe, for once, do something normal. This may be the best gift I have ever given to myself.
That night, my true personality came out and everyone loved me for it. All the judgment I was worried about did not even exist and instead of feeling shame for being myself, I felt loved.
After 15 long years of misery, I am finally happy and not going out of my way to make the world my own personal torture chamber.
Everything about my life feels so much healthier. I have made so many new friends and had so many amazing experiences, things that never could have happened last year.
Sophomore year has turned me into a healthier person. I have found the place I truly belong and the people I belong with. Most importantly, I have not let the hardships in my life break me, something which could not have been said a year ago.
Even going through losing a close friendship, I have shown myself that I won’t fall apart, I won’t break. No matter what happens, it won’t destroy my whole world and there is so much more to my life beyond this one person that has the ability to make me happy if I just let it.
Sophomore year has given me my home too: D115. Joining The Sidekick is one of the best choices I’ve ever made for myself and has given me the best experiences from arguing with one of my friends about our music tastes (she is a Taylor Swift fan and I listen a lot of rap) to writing a daily news story at 11 p.m. while listening to an interview between Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey.
This has been the best year of my life and I owe it all to sophomore year. Thank you for everything you have done for me, for all the lessons you taught me, all the experiences you gave me and all the people you brought to me.
Follow Nyah (@nyah_rama) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.