11 athletes sign during Fall National Signing Day

Aliza Abidi

Eleven athletes across seven different sports signed national letters of intent yesterday at the CHS Arena. Yesterday marked National Signing Day where many athletes sign to their respective schools to play collegiate sports.

Meer Mahfuz, Staff Writer

Wednesday morning marked a major step to the start of a collegiate career for 11 of Coppell athletics’ fiercest competitors. From seven different sports, all the athletes put their names on paper and signed to their respective colleges for the Fall National Signing Day at CHS Arena.

“We play in one of the best districts in UIL and in the state of Texas across the board in most sports,” Coppell ISD Athletic Director Kit Pehl said. “What we have to do to compete and give ourselves the opportunity to make the playoffs and win playoff games, [our kids] are not only top talent but they are playing top talent [as well] and they’re achieving that everytime they go out [and play]. They’re getting to prove it, they’re getting to battle-test themselves and iron sharpens iron so it’s just good to see them get celebrated in a way that’s not team-oriented and they [deserve] a lot of credit.”

National Signing Day started with an introduction from Pehl, followed by a presentation of each athletes’ video and their respective coaches speaking about them. Pehl closed the ceremony with a congratulatory applause and the 11 athletes took a group photo. After that, family and friends were able to come onto the court and take pictures with their respective athletes.

Coppell baseball’s senior infielder Walker Polk signed with Baylor and Coppell basketball’s senior guard Ryan Agarwal signed with Stanford. 

“It means a lot having coaches that support me even when I don’t believe in myself at times,” Agarwal said. “[The other signees and I] are very blessed to have the facilities that we have. We have insane facilities that other people do not have. We have the ability to go to work in the facilities that others don’t and to have coaches who help us so much and it’s huge [for us athletes]. We have so many athletes going onto play collegiate sports because this athletic department with Pehl and the other head coaches work to make sure every athlete can play and work as a team to create team-healthy environments.”

Cowgirls’ soccer had three signees – senior midfielder Bailey Peek as well as senior forwards Michelle Pak and Reneta Vargas. Peek signed with Rice, Vargas signed with University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and Pak signed with Oklahoma. 

“I am super grateful [for my family] because, without my parents putting me in soccer, supporting me and paying for me, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” Peek said. “I am also grateful for my coaches and teammates making me better every practice. I am just super grateful for everyone that’s supported me because, without them, I wouldn’t be the player or person that I am.”

Cowgirls’ softball had two signees – senior pitcher Kat Miller and senior outfielder Adrianna Erichsen. Miller signed with Colorado School of Mines and Erichsen signed with University of Arkansas at Monticello. 

Cowgirls’ volleyball had two signees – senior defensive specialist Rayne Bossier and senior middle hitter Aley Clent. Bossier signed with Friends University and Clint signed with Campbell University. Cowgirls’ softball

Senior golfer Lauren Rios signed with University of Texas at San Antonio. Senior gymnast Sidonie Thibeault signed with Gannon University for Acrobat and Tumbling. 

“I love the diversity of the group that signed [to the schools] that the average person doesn’t know, everyone knows who Baylor and [Oklahoma] is,” Pehl said. “The academic quality that you have to be in to get into a majority of the schools that were announced. You’ve not only got top flight talent but you’ve got talent that, academically, [these athletes] gave themselves the chance to go to a school with a blend of academics and athletics that made that possible, that excites me.”

The Winter National Signing Day Feb.2 where all football NLI signees will be recognized as well as the remainder of Division I and Division II athletes who committed after Nov. 11.

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