Cheers, smiles, bingo returned by the cheerleaders
Presley Kryzak, cousin of Coppell High School senior Katy Kryzak on the varsity cheer team, holds up her bingo sheet in pure bliss as she gets a bingo. On Oct 24, CHS cheer team hosted their annual fundraiser Cheer Bingo at 2-4 p.m. after a two-year wait. Photo by Jayden Chui.
October 25, 2021
As society is reunited with the outdoors, popular events such as Cheer Bingo are reunited with the Coppell community this year. On Sunday, community members, students and family filled the Coppell High School Commons to participate in the fundraiser which connected the team to its special crowd this afternoon.
“We got to interact with so many community members and it was fun to see everyone from Coppell here to support,” junior varsity cheerleader Merlin Prince said.
The event is planned by the Coppell Cheer Booster Club, a group of parents which support the team, and they were assigned different roles throughout the event. The CHS cheerleaders greeted guests into the building, sold goodies, collected old tickets and cards and took pictures with the winners.
In bingo, contestants had 30 chances to win: 10 games and three bingo cards for each person. The winnings ranged from $50 to $500. The raffle had tickets sold by the cheerleaders with prizes such as visa gift cards, airline ticket gift cards and a yeti cooler filled with goodies.
Cheer Bingo is an annual event which has become a staple to the school as it continued over the years.
“It’s a part of the community, everyone looks forward to it every year. It’s a traditional game [that is] pretty competitive even though it’s a game of luck,” CHS cheer coach Alexis Irons said. “Last year when we were unable to have Cheer Bingo people were really disappointed [and] we’ve realized how much people love it.”
The return of the event also brought new changes. The event was moved from Friday to Sunday to avoid scheduling conflicts. The Sunday afternoon time was chosen to make it more convenient for attendees.
Even as an annual event, Cheer Bingo has its unique highlights.
“The blackout bingo game was fun because everyone thought that they’re gonna win, everyone was one away from winning,” Prince said.
Follow Minnie (@mridinigazawada) and @CHSCampusNews on Twitter.