Shruthika Pochampally
Staff Writer

The homecoming pep rally brought a lot of excitement as it was not only the homecoming pep rally, but also the first outdoor pep rally of the year.
As students filtered into the stadium, the energy of students with mums and garters was evident. The event lasted over an hour long and included junior Maha Haque who sang the National Anthem, junior Manu Garikapati and senior Tania Damle who performed a cultural dance with Cowboy Carl, and performances by the CHS cheerleaders and Lariettes as always, along with the Silver Spurs.
The cheerleaders performed a routine going with the Under the Sea homecoming theme for the year, and the Lariettes performed their traditional Wild West performance.
“My favorite part of the pep rally was the Lariettes performance because it was very synchronized and graceful as always,” junior Shivani Patel said.
Additionally, the 2014-2015 homecoming court was presented on the field, and students had the chance to see the court before the King and Queen, Ashrith Reddy and Nikki Gowdy, were announced at the homecoming football game that night.
“It was like a last hoorah for the seniors,” senior Sruthi Dileep said. “After four years of homecoming pep rallies and homecoming game days, this was the most entertaining, because I knew it was our last.”
Along with traditional homecoming performances, there was also the Silver Spurs’ humorous dance to a medley of feminine songs, which received laughs from throughout the stands.
The hour and a half long event was eventful and buzzing with many students screaming as loud as they could for the Spirit Stick and groups of friends taking pictures wearing their mums and garters.