Colin Phillips
Coppell High School senior Colin Phillips has taken animation classes for three years. He will carry on that passion at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), one of the top animation schools in Texas, where he intends on majoring in computer animation.
Why did you choose computer animation?
I just really like doing it. It’s the only thing I have a passion for, and I enjoy doing it.
When did you decide to pursue computer animation?
Probably when I started taking animation here [at CHS]. I was like, “man, I really I like this,” but I didn’t know if it was something I could really do as a job. Then I did a little research into it, and found out I could; then I talked to my mom about it and [she said], “yeah, I’ll support you for that.” That was when I decided, “yup, this is what I’m going to do.”
How did your major affect your college application?
At UTD, it doesn’t really affect your application. The first year you go there, you spend it making a portfolio so they can see if you’re good enough to major in it.
Why did you choose UTD?
It was the best [animation school] in Texas. They have a lot of internship possibilities with Pixar and Disney because they have people from those places visiting every year.
When were you accepted?
I found out sometime in February or March. It was really exciting. It was the only school I wanted to go to. Like, if I didn’t get in, I was just going to go to community [college] and transfer. I’m really glad I got in. My best friend got in too, so it all worked out.
What interests you the most about your major?
Just the fact it’s really creative-based. I can do whatever I want with it. I get to make what I want and I get to add my own flair and style to it.
What are your goals?
Eventually, make something someday that makes people happy and makes people go “that’s something impressive, I wish I could do that”.
What are your plans after college?
After college, I’m going to see who I meet at UTD and depending on that, go from there. There’s this animation studio in Austin I was thinking about trying to get a job at after I graduate from college. If I get hired at a place that does 2D animation, I would like to get hired as a storyboarder; they’re the ones who make the main shots and then other people will do the in-between stuff. If I was hired at a 3D place like Disney or Pixar, I would probably still like to be a storyboarder because that’s where you get to be creative with it. If you’re the one who does the posing and stuff, you have to make it based off of someone else’s ideas.
How have you prepared to pursue this major?
I’ve just been studying animation and practicing doing 3D animation, which is something they don’t teach here. I’ve been practicing 3D animation ever since early December and it’s pretty hard.
Do you need any special equipment?
You don’t really need equipment. For 2D animation, I have a drawing tablet and you don’t need that, but it helps a lot; it just makes drawing feel a lot more natural.
What are you most looking forward to with your new classes?
Just to learn new stuff I haven’t already learned [and] learn new techniques that make [the animating process] faster and easier.