Community college is often treated like a last resort or entirely not considered for those graduating high school and looking forward. However, community college has many financial aid and career benefits that come with attending.
Don’t judge a school by its title: considering community college route after high school (with video)
Some of the seemingly nonstop questions we are asked throughout our time in high school are ‘what are your interests?’, ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ and, of course, ‘what college do you want to go to?’.
For many of us, the idea of moving away, going to college and getting a job is still a bit blurry, making it difficult for us to answer these questions.
There is nothing wrong with that.
The purpose of high school is to figure out your likes and dislikes and use these parameters to guide you to the right college.
Because of this, there are so many colleges out there for everyone, and it is important that we find the one most suitable for ourselves. Within this selection, one of the most overlooked, yet viable choices is community college.
Typically a two-year college, community college provides people the opportunity to attend classes and further their education after high school.
In Coppell, students often get the idea that community college is an option for those taking dual credit courses. Dual credit provides high school students with an opportunity to take college courses, giving them both high school and college credit.
Community college, however, can also be just as good an option for high school graduates to consider.
Community colleges are much cheaper than traditional universities. With in-state enrollment, tuition for the local North Lake Community College is an average of $3,015.
By attending a nearby college, students can eliminate the cost of room and board, which by itself eats up a lot of money.
Minimizing student loan debt frees up a student’s expenses, giving them a chance to pay off other expenses, look into graduate school or start saving for other future expenses coming their way.
Furthermore, community college is much more flexible than a traditional college. Students can easily personalize their schedule to allow for a part time job.
Taking classes at the community college does not have to be permanent, either. Students are not tied down to attending a school for a specific duration of time.
“Community college is a great option for students who are kind of in between or just not sure what they want to do and need some extra guidance,” CHS counselor Janea Williams said.
There are plenty of benefits that come a community college, and the stigma behind attending is largely unfounded.
Morgan Freeman, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney are some of the many who have attended community college and have continued to pursue what they love.
With that being said, graduating a community college does not guarantee success, but neither does graduating an Ivy League school.
Rather than listening to others, students should focus on themselves and what works best given their own unique circumstances.
It is important not to neglect your options and keep an open mind when choosing a college, you just may be surprised what ends up working out the best.
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