Coppell Band marches to London
March 2, 2016

Coppell High School marching band practices playing songs and walking in formation on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

Coppell High School Band prepares for an upcoming show on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before going to the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

Coppell High School marching band practices for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London on Feb. 29. The band works to perfect their lines and turns to prepare for the London streets.

Coppell High School Band practices two songs, Patriotic Medley and Uptown Funk, on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

Coppell High School marching band practices walking in sync and on the right tempo behind Buddy Echols Field on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

The Coppell High School Band practices keeping straight lines as they march around the CHS parking lot on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

Coppell High School marching band practices for one of their last full length practices on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.

Coppell High School marching band practices behind Buddy Echols Field on Feb. 29. The band practices Monday and Friday after school before Spring Break to be prepared for the 15th annual Saint Patrick’s Day parade in London.