Coppell High School senior Mihira Kada is the choir president and Vivace dance captain. CHS students voted on the 19 most influential seniors in the graduating class of 2023.
Mihira Kada: Exuberant
The curtains draw back and the spotlight shines brightly onto the stage as all eyes fix on the lone student who steps confidently into the spotlight, almost as if she was born for this moment. With a deep breath and a steady gaze, Coppell High School senior Mihira Kada steps forward ready to deliver the performance of a lifetime.
“I want people to remember me for my dedication, my kindness and my willingness to be someone who anyone can come to and being able to step up for everyone,” Kada said. “Being helpful and being a leader because that’s what my whole senior year has been about: being a leader and leading my peers towards good things.”
The stage, something that people typically fear, feels almost natural to Kada after more than eight years of participating in choir. Kada’s favorite part about leading the group as choir president and Vivace dance captain is not the ability to perform on stage, making it look easy, not the boost of self-confidence that is needed for each performance, not the discipline it takes to lead a lifestyle like hers, but rather the community and the connections she’s fostered along the way.
“It’s like a family,” Kada said. “We all love each other and we all understand each other. Most of the people in choir are my best friends now, that’s where I attained most of my friends.”
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