Coppell High School senior Parthiv Javangula applied for the Red Jackets to meet new people. Outside of Red Jackets, Parthiv cleans up his community with Eco Club and volunteers at Texas Indo-American Physicians Society free clinic.
Javangula sustainably makes his mark
Why did you apply to be a Red Jacket?

I applied because I thought it would be a good way to get to know other people. It was something I’d never done before, being a part of a pretty select group of individuals that was mainly focused on leadership. I wanted to get an experience of what that really meant. I thought it’d be a good experience to prepare me for college, where I’d have to make new friendships.
What extracurriculars are you involved in?
I am part of Eco Club, clean up my neighborhood with Keep Irving Beautiful and I volunteer at Texas Indo-American Physicians Society free clinic.
If you could meet any historical figure, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?
Brandon Sanderson. He’s an author, and I really like his books. It’d be cool to get a glimpse into what an actual author does, especially someone who writes such a huge volume. It’s interesting to see what’s his planning behind all of it.
What are your hobbies?
I like to play volleyball. I joined the Filmmaking Club this year, and I’ve been trying to get into that. I also recently started going to the gym.
What is on your bucket list?
One thing I want to do is go to New Zealand, climb a mountain and then sleep on that mountain overnight. I’ve always wanted to see the night sky without light pollution. Definitely surfing or scuba diving, especially in Australia at the Great Barrier Reef.
What is your most prized possession?
My laptop because it’s something from my brother. It’s kind of like a memento from him because I don’t really see him that much anymore since he goes to college. It’s kind of broken down and falling apart at this point.. It’s just a little sentimental for me, in terms of its meaning.
Describe your ideal day.
I wake up at nine o’clock in the morning, and I don’t just sit in bed for an hour, I get up instantly. I go outside, play some volleyball for like two hours. I come back inside, and start writing a script for a movie that I might make later. I eat lunch, specifically mung curry that my mom made. After lunch, I go to the gym with all my friends, and we play some Spikeball. Afterwards, we go to downtown Dallas, and spend some time trying to tour around the city and looking for somewhere to eat.
What are you most thankful for?
My plumbing system, because hot water in the morning is not something everyone has in the world. So whenever I stand in the shower, for like, a few good minutes, I’m really thankful that I’m able to access the shower.
What is your dream concert?
Travis Scott, J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar. They’re all here. They’re playing one of the songs that they just made, it’s not been released, it’s an exclusive song just for this concert. We’re the VIP guests. It’s 12 a.m. and everyone’s completely exhausted. But when the song comes on, they get right back into the concert. We go insane. And then afterwards, [Travis Scott, J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar] come up to us and they say,‘We want to sign you onto our records.’ We’re dancers, but they still sign us.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Garlic bread, water and a phone with a SIM card.