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Roma Patel

Lilly Gorman

Coppell High School sophomore Roma Patel leads the gardening committee for the CHS EcoClub through her position as vice president. The Eco Club’s goal is to bring together a community focused on helping the environment throughout Coppell.

CHS sophomore Roma Patel is the EcoClub vice president for the 2020-2021 school year. Drawing from her experience last year as the CHS9 EcoClub president, she hopes to make a community where everyone feels comfortable and can make an impact on CHS and Coppell. 

Why did you run for vice president?

I really am passionate about the environment, and I love talking, learning and exploring the environment and when I went to [CHS], [Junior ECOClub president Adarsh Pulasseri] reached out to me to ask me to recruit members. I really wanted to play a role in the EcoClub, and instead of being president this year, I wanted to be vice president so that I had a year to get accustomed to the school and learn more about the club, but I still wanted to play a role and make an impact. 

What has been your most rewarding experience?

It’s [the] experience of being able to connect with and talk to so many different people that I know really well to people that I don’t know at all, to really come together and make an environment where everybody is comfortable and feels that they are making a difference. [It is] making sure that everybody is using themselves to impact [the environment] instead of just sitting in a club and listening to [the officers].

What legacy do you hope to leave?

It’s really important to leave that message of listening to everybody in the club and not necessarily being the only voice of the club or saying you’re a leader and not allowing other people to use their voices and implement themselves.The legacy I want to leave is just that I was a leader who listened to people and allowed my leadership position to directly benefit the other people in the club and not necessarily what I wanted. 

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