Shriya Vanparia
Coppell ISD announces that Coppell High School will remove C days from the schedule. The alternate A and B days will take place second semester.
Beginning second semester, the Coppell High School bell schedule no longer includes C days. Instead, the school week solely alternates between A and B days, reminiscent of the bell schedule from the 2018-19 school year.
The rationale behind altering the bell schedule is due to transportation issues from New Tech High @ Coppell, CHS9 and CHS, which is the same reasoning for the schedule changes from the beginning of the year.
“The big reasoning overall is the constant battle with the transportation between the different campuses,” CHS associate principal Sean Bagley said. “Getting the CHS9 kids here and getting them back, and getting the kids from New Tech here and back has been an issue. Kids are missing a larger amount of class than what we would hope when we originally created C days.”
The new schedule creates mixed reactions within both teachers and students. As C days were made to strengthen the bonds between teachers and students, there is a tradeoff between relationship building and more time for learning the curriculum.
“I’m going to miss being able to see every kid on C days, especially right before the weekend and have that change to reconnect right before they leave,” CHS AP Chemistry teacher Amy Snyder said. “However, from the AP point of view, I’d like to have that time back to be purely instructional time. I’ll be sad to C days go because I don’t have that chance to specifically focus on [students] one day of the week. Academically, though, especially with the AP curriculum being so strict on the teaching schedule and having to teach [my students] how to think through experiments with chemistry, that takes time to do it well.”
With students that must travel back and forth from another campus to CHS daily, the elimination of C days is a relief to keeping up with the dual campus curriculums. NTH@C sophomore Akhil Lingutla travels to CHS for French second period and Spotlight [theater] sixth.
“I have second and sixth period here [at CHS], so I have to stay here for lunch too,” Lingutla said. “At New Tech, we have this thing called flex every Friday, so I almost always miss it because of C days. Coming here, I’m usually 10 minutes late, and going back [to NTH@C], I miss around 10 to 15 minutes of class.”
Flex at NTH@C is an entire day developed for students to explore their passions, as they have sessions to pick classes and make their own schedules.
The removal of C days from the schedule now means Fridays can include testing, quizzes and the introduction of new content in class.
“I like that teachers are not allowed to give tests or quizzes [on C days], and I get to do my homework from the week,” CHS senior June Poopanead said. “With the schedule change, I don’t like how the week is uneven because I’ll see some classes three times a week versus other classes only two. Also, if I have a test on B day, I might have two extra days to study over A day students because I have the weekend to prepare for the Monday test.”
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