Bailey Lai
Every year, the Cozby Library and Community Commons hosts several author visits. On Sunday at 2 p.m., critically-acclaimed writer Amanda Eyre Ward will promote her novels, discuss her writing journey and sell books at the Cozby Library.
After spending a year visiting immigrant children in shelters throughout Texas and California, critically-acclaimed author Amanda Eyre Ward will visit the Cozby Library and Community Library to discuss her literary life on Sunday at 2 p.m.
Her 2015 novel The Same Sky revolves around immigration and adoption. It was chosen as a Coppell Reads book, which means the Cozby Library will purchase 150 copies and hand them out to those interested.
“Hopefully [the people who get the books] will read them and bring them to the author visit,” Cozby librarian Jennifer Franz said. “I chose [the book] for the topic. I thought it would be a good way to touch on the national discussion of immigration.”
The author visit is sponsored by the Friends of the Coppell Public Library, and volunteers from the organization will be present at the event to help run it.
After giving a presentation with an overview of her writing journey, Wald will field questions. Attendees may also win a free copy of her latest release, The Nearness of You.
“It’s nice [for aspiring writers] to see people who have made a success of [being an author],” Franz said. “Especially, because she is from Austin, so she’s a Texas author, which I think is nice.”
The event is expected to end at approximately 3:30 p.m.