6 ways to survive exam week


Students are studying in preparation for semester exams in the CHS hallways. Midterms are next week for the CHS students.

Sruthi Boppuri, Staff Writer

Semester exams are fast approaching and we all know what that means– intense studying and constant stress. Here are a few tips to help you survive finals week.


  1. Space out your studying

In order to maximize the effects of studying for finals, try to space out your studying as much as possible. Cramming a semester’s worth of concepts and objectives can be extremely stressful, not to mention tiresome. Set a schedule for yourself or find a studying pattern that works best for you. Try studying a chapter or two every night leading up to the exam, ensuring that what you have learned will not be forgotten.


  1. Get some sleep

With exams coming up and a GPA to maintain, sleep is probably the least of your worries. Pulling an all-nighter may seem like the best idea, but a lack of sleep will only lower your chances of acing your exams. Getting a decent amount of sleep will leave your brain refreshed and ready to take in more information. According to a Harvard study conducted in 2010, dreaming may contribute to an improved memory and performance boost, as dreams may help reorganize recently learned material.


  1. Turn your phone off

To get the most out studying, eliminate as many distractions as you can; that means letting go of the tight grasp you hold on your cellphone. Snapchatting about how many notes you have or tweeting about much studying you have to do will not help you do well on your exams. Instead of allowing yourself to be distracted by social media, turn off your cellphone. By reducing the number of distractions around you, it will become easier to focus on whatever subject you are studying,


  1. Take breaks

Although it may seem like a great idea, studying for a couple of hours straight without occasional breaks can cause more harm than benefit. Overworking the brain without giving it a chance to relax will cause fatigue and increase stress. Instead take breaks at different intervals, giving your brain a chance to refresh and process. A refreshed brain will not only boost performance on test day, but also encode and remember more information.


  1. Be organized

Nothing is worse than losing test reviews or chapter notes a couple days before finals. To prevent this, try to organize your materials, reviews, notes or anything else that may be helpful. This will ensure you have everything you need to do well. Make sure to write down exactly what day each final is, so there is no way you will forget. It may also help you decide between different studying patterns for each subject.


  1. Be active

As most students are practically drowning in the amount of studying they have to do, it is easy for students to forget to exercise and stay active. By moving around and getting fresh air, the brain will be refreshed and ready to encode new information. Exercise not only improves the overall health of your body, but also improves the brain’s ability to perform cognitive tasks. Many studies have shown evidence that exercise boosts retention and is a great stress reliever. So, as you are preparing finals, remember to move around every now and then.