Editor’s note: This story has been updated from its original version.
On Monday night, the Coppell ISD Board of Trustees voted 4-3 to consolidate Pinkerton Elementary School into other district elementary campuses, leaving the International Baccalaureate and Dual Language Immersion programs to be relocated as well.
The decision aimed to address ongoing budget concerns within the district, as consolidation of Pinkerton and relocation of the DLI and IB programs would save a projected $2.1 million. This would also mean the rezoning of Denton Creek Elementary School’s attendance zones to Town Center Elementary School, Cottonwood Creek Elementary School and Lakeside Elementary Elementary School based on enrollment.
Additionally, the board rejected proposals to level pre-K enrollment district wide and consolidate DLI into one campus which would save $0 and $288,000, respectively.
“Our priority is to make sure we are taking care of our students, faculty and families,” Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt said. “These are very tough decisions that are hard on everybody, and anyone that does not think so is not being fully understanding.”
The consolidation of Pinkerton will lead to its eventual closure and the end of its DLI and IB programs unless plans to effectively move both to remaining CISD elementary campuses are realized. Parents, faculty and students shared tears and sentiments during the meeting when options were reviewed for the final decision.
“I am so tired of fighting for Pinkerton, for the teachers, and for my kids,” said Pinkerton parent Julie Waters while addressing the board during open forum. “Many parents have given up on this fight because they feel like they have not been heard.”

The board asked administration to continue exploring options regarding the future campuses for current Pinkerton and IB students as it did not approve the motion for Pinkerton to consolidate with Wilson and Austin Elementary Schools. The board maintained that the vote would not reduce current bus services or overcrowd classrooms once students are moved.
“If we run the district bankrupt, we fail everybody,” Board President David Caviness said.
Ultimately, the board ended the longstanding conversations over budget deficits and closures with the vote in order to move forward despite community backlash.
“This is not easy for any of us, but it is necessary as we continue to balance what is best for our district and the students,” Dr. Hunt said.
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Don't Close Schools • Oct 13, 2024 at 1:56 am
Cut staff in the Administration building to keep Pinkerton open. Ask the Department of Justice to investigate the closing of Coppell Schools
Melinda Melnick • Oct 2, 2024 at 5:02 am
This article is not correct. The School board voted to close Pinkerton and consolidate it into other CISD campuses, not into Wilson and Austin.
adviser • Oct 2, 2024 at 10:23 am
Thank you for the comment. We have updated the story with the correct information. We apologize for the error.