Your own Sidekick: Comparison is the thief of joy


Srihari Yechangunja

Your Own Sidekick is a Sidekick series where staff members answer questions and offer advice on various topics. Stories will be posted weekly on Fridays.

Sri Achanta, Executive News Editor

Dear CHS,

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Yes, I know, this is easier said than done. Such a cliché phrase, really, but the gravity it holds is monumental. Take it from someone who used to compare herself to others, an action I truly regret. Hours wasted on things I couldn’t change, tears shed for deeming myself not as accomplished as my peers.

We go to a school where competition is cutthroat. Sometimes students’ success isn’t sought for its own reward, but for some arbitrary measurement compared to the one sitting next to them. Students casually mention their eight AP classes and grueling hours spent working for their classes, with no time to explore their true passions. 

Sometimes, even, students throw on a facade. They tell others about their phenomenal grades – maxing all their classes – but really this is a lie.

Don’t be this student. 

All of this is just for students to put themselves one step ahead of others, but that comparison isn’t only toxic to those at the top – it leaves the students who may not be as academically inclined to view themselves negatively for their apparent lack of success in a forum not designed for them. 

These students, just as accomplished but lacking the titles or grades that some have, tend to criticize themselves because they feel they are not as accomplished as their peers. The constant comparison creates a whirlpool of emotions dragging confidence down into its deep abyss.

Take a second to determine if you fall under this category. The first step is acceptance. Do not feel bad if you do this, for I’m sure that most people have not escaped the grasps of comparison. 

Now take what I’m about to say to heart. 

If you compare yourself to others, you aren’t being fair to yourself. People are different, yet we constantly measure ourselves with singular arbitrary metrics, despite our individual circumstances. I know it is human nature to do so, we are raised in an environment where it is normal to associate people’s achievements with numbers, but we’ve reached the point where we must make a change. 

Look back at every accomplishment you have achieved, even something as small as making a friend’s day. Have pride in everything you have done and be proud of everything that you plan to accomplish.  


Your own Sidekick