Sruthi Lingam
Joel Abraham is a CHS9 student who currently serves on the Student Council Executive Board. Abraham follows two brothers who’ve passed through Coppell Middle School West, and leads his two younger siblings on the same journey. He enjoys spending time with his rabbit, playing video games, and helping others.
How important is being a member of the board?
It’s very important to me, because I think it is a great opportunity to learn leadership and help build relationships between the student body and teachers. It feels good to know I have the support and faith of my classmates and peers, people who are willing to vote for me and my vision of the school.
What inspired you to run?
Mostly my elder siblings [Joe & Jacob Abraham], both of them were/are involved in a lot of causes around Coppell. Seeing them take on responsibilities – whether at home or at school – made me want to do the same. They’ve been serving our community for years, whether through church or at homeless shelters on weekends, so seeing that inspired me to make the community a better place.
What do you do outside of school?
Mostly, I’m spending time with my friends and family. I enjoy sports and video games because they’re a way for me to form deeper relationships with people around me. They’ve helped me realize why it is important to help my community. Our community makes us who we are, so a bad community makes bad people, but a good community can make good people. That’s the community I want at CHS9: a good, sweet, caring and wholesome community who’ll bond and accomplish over many challenges.
How does the board accomplish its mission?
Our main goal is to help develop the understanding between students and teachers; it can be quite difficult for teachers and students to understand each other but I’d like to bring them closer. The board’s motto is ‘boots on the ground’ and I want to reflect that, being the connection between our faculty, students and community. We’re like the road that the students and teachers walk together on.
What do you want to accomplish on the board?
I want to start some projects, helping those in need and helping those who aren’t as lucky as us kids and teachers at CHS9. I also want to leave something for the next generation of students and all those that are coming to CHS9. Bringing something impactful so that generations and generations can look upon it and be happy. The new responsibilities are an adjustment – staying after school, helping out, planning – each one is something new.
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