Pranati Kandi
Texas Woman’s University awarded its prestigious Chancellor’s Endowed Scholarship to Coppell High School senior Binivaa Manandhar on March 25 in the CHS Arena. Manandhar was the only applicant out of 1,600 to receive the award. Photo by Pranati Kandi
When Coppell High School Senior Binivaa Manandhar applied to Texas Woman’s University in early October, she never dreamed that she would be selected out of 1,600 applicants to be the only recipient of the school’s Chancellor’s Endowed Scholarship.
Given to one student each year, the scholarship, which is the school’s most prestigious award, has a value of about $52,000 and covers tuition and fees for four years. TWU Chancellor Carine Feyten surprised Manandhar with the award on March 25 in the presence of her parents and brother, varsity soccer team, Principal Laura Springer and Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt in the CHS Arena.
“I’m ecstatic, thrilled and overwhelmed,” Manandhar said. “All good emotions. TWU was definitely my top choice and I decided I was going there before I even knew about [the scholarship].”
After getting accepted into the TWU honors college, Manandhar applied for the Chancellor’s Endowed Scholarship and went through a round of interviews as a finalist.
“She really exhibited all the qualities through the things she’s done as a leader to serve the community, send things back to Nepal, and focus on others,” Feyten said. “In every single aspect, it seemed she was excelling, and we were looking for a real, well-rounded leader who is not just strong academically, but is also going to give back to the community.”
Outside of academics, Manandhar has played soccer throughout her high school career. Currently a member of the varsity soccer team, she is also the co-founder of Soccer for Nepal, a nonprofit organization that seeks to provide shoes for children who play soccer in Nepal.
“I’ve played with Binivaa since we were 4 on a club soccer team together,” senior Carly Duperroir said. “She has one of the best hearts I’ve ever seen, she works hard and pushes through everything she’s been thrown and she’s a phenomenal friend who is always there for people.”
Although it was difficult to keep it a surprise, Manandhar’s family, who learned of the scholarship a month prior, were extremely proud of their daughter’s accomplishments.
“In our family, we all believe in never giving up,” Manandhar’s mother Reema Manandhar said. “Binivaa always followed this, even when she was losing. We are so proud of her and I would like to thank all the Coppell educators from elementary school to high school who helped Binivaa achieve this.”
To Manandhar, community service and soccer will always be an active part of her life, and she plans to pursue Computer Science at TWU.
“I’m definitely going to keep soccer in my life, whether it’s intramural or club, but soccer is just so near and dear to my heart so I’m not going to leave it,” Manandhar said.”
Feyton’s favorite part of the long selection process is the surprise. Although difficult to orchestrate, she has continued the tradition for seven years and loves seeing the surprise and happiness from the student, family and district.
“It’s a real celebration and an important recognition,” Feyten said. “She is the epitome of a servant leader, and i’m very impressed with what she’s able to achieve.”